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We want to see your FREQ photos!
Please send photos that feature your bagged game along with your FREQ Call. Use the form below and include a brief story about your hunt. Thank you for being a part of the FREQ Show!
Six year old Ridge Gorham, Grandson of Phil Lyne, with a coyote he killed at 40 yards with a .22 magnum. Phil said that Ridge was sitting a few yards away and shot this one while Phil was watching a different coyote.
Founder of Ambush 360, Yazzie has been seeing an incredible response to the pair up of the FREQ Ultrasonic Call and Ambush 360 unit as pictured.
First stand with my new FREQ. Gettin’ Freqy!!
It was the first hard frost – crunchy, frozen leaves. I got settled in the saddle 65 yards away from a field edge. I played Old Spar from my FREQ and soon had a 4 point come in. An hour later as squirrels ran to and fro, I heard a deep grunt. My eyes darted to find the sound. Another grunt and another. After 5 grunts.. silence. I fired up Old Spar and after about 3-4 minutes of varying volumes, I faded the volume out. Two minutes later, I heard leaves rustling and I peeked my head around the tree. Holy crow, there he was 40 yards away and closing on the call. Instantly I grabbed the bow.. About an hour later, I recovered him 82 yards from the shot. I definitely owe this one to the FREQ.
I went out tonight by myself and on the first stand, they were responding. The first kill was with the Cotton Duet, it took about a minute and a half before the first dog came in and was taken. I then switched over to Den Doggs. It had only played about two minutes and I spotted a group of eight coyotes coming over the hill and around a pond. I was able to take the second, third, and fourth coyote on that stand all within 15 minutes of the initial dog. The new Den Doggs Open worked amazing and the coyotes responded to it without hesitation! I ended a 4 hour hunt with 12 dogs on the ground. I cannot recommend the FREQ enough! I am coming off many years of running Fox Pro, Lucky Duck, and lastly Icotec prior to switching over to the FREQ. Dogs will come in to many calls and sounds but the numbers have been significantly different since making the switch.
Day One: Just received the FREQ. First stand at first light the next morning, I called in three yotes and knocked one down in the beautiful Big Sky country I hunt! In 8 out of 11 stands, I had 12 dogs come to the call. Hunting by myself, I was still able to put down 6 coyote. It was a good feeling of how coyote hunting should go and was definitely due to the FREQ Call.
Day Two: 2nd day of calling coyotes with the FREQ Call landed me success with knocking down two more coyotes. I was able to call in the two wise coyotes on two separate stands for the day. Action was slow with warm temps and a windy day. The FREQ Call clutched it up and drew in two big yotes!
“I’ve used other electronic game calls before the FREQ. On the first day, first set, I immediately saw the difference in these calls, in how this Mt. Lion approached the FREQ. Results speak for themselves, this wise 6 year old cougar would not have come in like it did, on a full run, jumping obstacles with a full belly to get to this call unless what it heard was so authentic that she knew for sure there was an easy meal to be had. That’s the FREQ difference” #Freqdifference
Broke it in right!
First Hunt with the FREQ using Coyote Pair Howl and Coyote Pup Fight.
After many years of wolf hunting and many different electronic calls I came across the Freq ultrasonic game call and decided I would do what it took to get one. I had been using it for a few hunts with no success which is normal for wolf hunting. Sunday morning things changed. I knew the wolves were in the area and that’s a good start right there. I used the Freq coyote howls to get the coyotes interested. Coyotes and wolves do not get along. I mixed in some fawn distress and waited patiently. The local coyotes started howling and later when I looked over and saw a coyote and what I thought was a really big coyote following it up an old skid trail. Long story short the big one was a wolf, so I ranged it at 296 yards, dialed the scope on my 7wsm and made the shot. Turns out it’s a 2 year old male. The kids were super excited. We skinned it out and got home in time for the Noon Mass!
“We were calling Coyotes when this 275lb Boar Hog came charging in!”
Mt. Lion and two Coyotes taken in Western NM with the FREQ.
With NM coyote that tried to bite the FREQ call!
“This call is Amazing!” “Took these Fox and Bobcat and had a huge Raccoon try to take the FREQ call away!”
I got to the field edge late. 2 minutes after setting up the FREQ and my spot behind a massive oak tree, a small buck came out of the woods 200+ yards away. I played Old Spar. Soon, two decent 8 points came out. I turned it up to volume 9 and those two bucks started fighting. I shut it down because all three bucks worked 100 yards closer. A doe appears next then soon after this buck. I played tending grunt and the doe trotted my way. That ticked off the buck and he chased the doe round & round. I played Fawn Distress and she immediately bolted to me on a dead run. He started running her down. As they neared I was like, “gotta stop them” so I had Dominant Buck as a hot button. I hit that when she was still sprinting 15 yards away, they both heard it. She froze practically beside me and then he froze at 35 yards. Game over.. she ran past me and he ran right at me but was nose divin’ after 15 yards and face planted 7 yards from me. The FREQ was speaking her language for sure!!
Pretty darn good when you can bring them in close enough to shoot them with a 45 Long Colt. This thing is Awesome!
Successfully hunted this cat.
Pictured with a 20-pound bobcat.
Displaying his remarkable haul, Colt successfully hunted six bobcats, 7 coyotes, a fox, and several raccoons.
Successfully hunted this coyote in the snow in New Mexico this morning.
Eldon and his son-in-law called in 9 coyotes during a hunting trip and killed 7 of them using their FREQ Call.
Pecos describes a wily coyote that managed to escape from a trap, yet, despite a full belly, was still unable to resist the allure of the FREQ Call.
Featuring a successful hunt in the Texas Panhandle, where they harvested a couple of coyotes yesterday.
Christopher Yazzie of Ambush 360 managed to kill these coyotes over 5 stands in just three hours yesterday.
We had a successful hunt, killing 5 coyotes and recovering 4. We even called in at least 6 owls, and one curious raccoon came up and touched the FREQ. My son-in-law used all ultrasonic sounds, mostly rabbit. We’re really pumped about the outcome!
Since recently getting my FREQ, I’ve taken it out twice to set up a few stands. There’s something unique about it; I’ve noticed a distinct change in behavior among various animals, including coyotes, raccoons, birds, and even cattle.
Phil Lyne getting it done in South Texas with the new FREQ.
With the first of two coyotes he killed on his initial outing with the FREQ. He had been unable to attract any coyotes where he lives using electronic callers, due to excessive calling pressure.
On a ranch where attracting coyotes had been challenging for a couple of years due to night hunting pressure, we achieved remarkable success with the FREQ. We called up 11 coyotes and killed 10, all within a 100-yard range. Despite their cautious nature, the FREQ proved to be a game-changer, as without it, we likely wouldn’t have killed more than two coyotes.